Curriculum Design

How to Create a Space to Communicate Student Objectives

Administrators often encourage teachers to display lesson objectives for students to see. This is no different for the art room! In my room, there was a serious lack of bulletin board space to create an objective board. I ended up getting creative with a whiteboard, contact paper, and a Cricut machine to make lesson goals visible to students.

If you are lacking bulletin boards or are interested in a new way to display your objectives or teacher samples, make sure to check out the video for all the instructions. Trust me, your students will look to this space often when working on artwork and your administrators will be thrilled to see it in place within your classroom.

For more videos like this, subscribe to AOEU on YouTube.


How do you display student objectives?

Share with us your student objective boards! Post a picture in the comments and tell us how you manage it.

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Jennifer Borel

Jennifer Borel is one of AOEU’s Adjunct Instructors and Academic Advisors and a former AOEU Writer and elementary art educator. She runs her own photography business and is passionate about students exploring the medium.

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