
The Most Influential DUDES in Art Ed

dudes in art ed

If you walk around an art ed conference, you will surely notice that women outnumber men about 100 to one. Ok, maybe it’s not that bad, but men are certainly outnumbered in our profession. I have to admit, sometimes I feel for these guys, trying to stand out in a world of colorful ladies. Somehow, someway they manage. In fact, most of the male art teachers I’ve ever met and worked with are pretty kick-butt, if I do say so myself. My high school art teacher was one of these awesome, influential DUDES who inspired me to become an art educator! (Thank you Mr. Weiss!)

Today, we’d like to feature 11 of the most influential ‘dudes’ in art education. Read on to learn more about these awesome educators.

Ian Sands

Not only is Ian one of our awesome writers here at AOE, but he hosts TWO blogs. One has fantastic posts highlighting his high school art students, their work, and the philosophies of teaching in the “Open Art Room”, while the other has more of a personal twist. Check out his insightful book Project Flop: Good Lessons from a Bad Teacher.

Andrew McCormick

Mr. McCormick is a professor and also teaches middle school and high school art. He’s a popular repeat-presenter at the AOE conferences with meaningful topics that include facilitating authentic student experiences and this summer’s “The Visual Culture Hook: Pulling from Pop Culture to Drive Student Choices”.

Ted Edinger

Who doesn’t love the fantastic resource and entertaining wit that is the blog Art with Mr. E? Having been a staple on my bookmark list since I was a wee art ed student, Mr. E’s site has been one of my top go-to blogs for all things art, art ed, and beyond (be warned: you can get sucked in for DAYS). He’s also a pretty funny dude in person!

Joe Hall

Mr. Hall is a relief teacher at numerous schools on the Central Coast of Australia. This dude’s blog, Art with Mr. Hall, features artwork of those students in primary (elementary) school. The projects featured are gorgeously colorful and pretty darn awesome!

Craig Roland

This dude is the founder of Art Ed 2.0 Community, “An online professional learning community of art educators.” Chat and share with other art educators, join groups, watch videos, and get inspiration for project ideas. He also runs the website ArtJucnction. Check it out!

Tim Bogatz

Mr. Bogatz is the facilitator of the high school art blog East Art Room. There’s some pretty sweet ideas and art movements featured there. He also showcases a student artwork of the week. Go have a look!

Zach Stoller

Zach is this year’s 1st Place winner of AOE’s Blog of the Year. His blog, Thomas Elementary Art, has boatloads of fantastic art lessons complete with lesson plans! Sign up to see his sweet presentation titled “Killer Printmaking Curriculum” at the AOE Online Summer Conference.

Greg Percy

Greg is the famous art educator and musician known for his volumes of music Songs in the Key of Art. He uses music to teach about art concepts and artists with a fun and humorous twist!

Malcom McCrae

An all-around cool dude who’s better known as the “Airbrush Assasin,” Malcom is another presenter at this summer’s conference. Teaching and reaching students through art, as well as speaking throughout the country, making his own art, and writing keep him quite busy! Check out his website and his mission to bring the arts to the youth of America. Inspiring stuff!

John Post

Jessica recently featured John in this great article. The fun navigational icons on his site make learning about firing, glazing and clay projects even more enjoyable. John will also be presenting at this summer’s AOE Online Conference about fascinating clay topics including choosing the right clay and glaze.

Mark Jones

This dude ROCKS stop-motion in the art room! If you haven’t seen The Robot and the Butterfly or Stand Up Tall, you need to do so immediately! Recognized for his whole school collaborative stop-motions films, this dude even has a mini-biography video made by the team Half Cut Tea, which features artists and their stories from around the country.
Be sure to follow all these guys in your blog reader! Leave them comments, tweet and email them and interact with them, because dude, these men deserve some art ed lovin’ too!


What other male art teachers have influenced you?

Did we leave anyone out!? Tell us about it!



Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


Alecia Eggers Kaczmarek

Alecia Eggers Kaczmarek, an elementary school art educator, is a former AOEU Writer. She is passionate about teaching and reaching students through an innovative and meaningful arts education.

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